Investors Panic as
Riots & Terrorist Attacks Return to America’s Cities

The barbarians are literally at the gates. Terrorists are detonating bombs in America’s cities while rampaging mobs fill the streets and government officials do nothing.

Investors worldwide are panicking and seeking shelter in government bonds.

And a single no-risk, U.S. government guaranteed bond could save the financial future, under certain circumstances turning its $5,000 face value into as much as $4 million.

Dear Friend,

The lies the media and politicians tell us no longer work.

Islamic terrorists are once again exploding bombs in America’s biggest cities.

Rioting mobs have returned to the streets.

We can see with our own eyes that the world is spinning out of control... and interest rates on government bonds are STILL in free fall.

After Keith Lamont Scott, an African-American man, allegedly refused to drop his gun and was subsequently fatally shot by a black officer on September 20, the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, erupted in race riots not seen since the 1960s

At least nine people were injured and 44 arrested.

At one point, rioters tried to burn a reporter alive, and a state of emergency was declared with National Guardsmen patrolling the streets.

And Charlotte is hardly unique.

In Milwaukee, riots broke out after Sylville Smith, a 23-year-old black male, was shot and killed by police.

Though Smith had a gun in his hand and was turning toward an officer at the time of his killing, many saw it as an opportunity for looting and rioting. Multiple buildings and businesses were set on fire.

Even worse riots broke out in Baltimore... Berkeley... Ferguson, Missouri... Brooklyn... and Anaheim, California.

In America, police are being gunned down in the streets as race riots erupt all over the country as the U.S. president actively encourages them.

Police refuse to patrol many neighborhoods.

To make matters worse, Islamic terrorists (many from wealthy families) continue to massacre innocents almost daily.

No place is safe.

No one is stopping them.

In fact, politicians are opening the borders – both in the U.S. and in Europe.


September 23, 2016 - Five people were shot and killed when Arcan Cetin, a 20-year-old immigrant from Turkey, opened fire with a .22-caliber rifle at an indoor mall in Washington State.
September 17, 2016 - A 22-year-old Somali immigrant, Dahir Adan, described by ISIS as a “soldier of the Islamic state,” stabbed nine people at a Minnesota mall before being shot dead by an off-duty police officer.
September 17–19, 2016 - An Afghan immigrant named Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, detonated a powerful pressure-cooker bomb on a street in Manhattan that injured 31 people. Earlier, the Islamic terrorist detonated a pipe bomb in a trash can along the route of a United States Marine Corps charity run in Seaside Park, New Jersey, and had tried to detonate another pressure cooker bomb on another Manhattan street but that bomb failed to explode.
June 12, 2016 - 49 people were killed and 53 injured in a mass shooting at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The shooter, Omar Mateen, pledged allegiance to ISIS by specifically calling police and journalists several times during the incident.
December 2, 2015 - In San Bernardino, California, married couple Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik shot and killed 14 people and injured 22 others in a killing spree that the FBI was investigating as “act of terrorism.”
October 23, 2014 - Zaim Farouq Abdul-Malik attacked four New York policemen in the subway with a hatchet, severely injuring one in the back of the head and injuring another policeman in the arm before being shot to death by the remaining officers, who also shot a civilian.
April 15, 2013 - Two Muslim brothers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnev, planted bombs near the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three civilians and injuring an estimated 264 others.

Despite vocal criticism, Barack Obama adamantly refuses even to say the words, “Islamic terrorism.”

And in the midst of this unprecedented global and domestic chaos – when both Russia and China have threatened U.S. military forces with attack – the U.S. presidential elections are in utter turmoil.

As a Result, Terrified Investors
Worldwide Are Buying Up Government
Bonds as Fast as They Can!

Government bonds are the barometers of the health of an economy – and yields on government bonds worldwide are again in free fall.

U.S. government Treasuries yields have plummeted to the lowest levels ever seen in U.S. history.

In many countries, government bond rates are now negative – which means people are paying governments to hold their money for them.

In Europe, Japan and the U.S., rates are the lowest ever.

More than $14 trillion in government securities worldwide are now paying negative interest.

Make no mistake: this is a very dangerous time not only for the world economy but for you personally.

You could lose everything in the coming crisis.

After a lifetime of work and saving, you could lose your savings, your pension, your investments and even your home...

... or...

... and this is very, very important...

You Could Make More Money
in the Coming 18 Months
You’ve Made in Your Entire Life!

I realize that sounds absurd... but it’s no exaggeration.

A no-risk but little-understood U.S. government bond with a face value of $5,000 could be worth as much as $4 million when this is all over.

That’s right: $4 million.

(I’ll tell you how you can get one FREE in a moment.)

And that’s just from this one bond.

If you follow my detailed instructions over the coming weeks and months, and carefully invest in these same bonds at just the right moments, you could easily end up with an eight-figure bank account.

But you must know exactly what to do and, most important of all, when to do it.

Investors just like you have made countless millions in this exact investment before.

When the dust settles and Hollywood mansions sell for ten cents on the dollar, you could easily live like a king for the rest of your life.

Let me explain...

The Entire Post-World War II Economic
Order is
Collapsing Before Our Very Eyes

My name is Nick Guarino.

For more than 35 years, I’ve been one of the most controversial but also most accurate market analysts and traders in the world.

As a result, Wall Street hates my guts.

I warned investors before each of Wall Street’s planned wipeouts –

... the 1987 stock market crash...

... the tech wreck of 2000...

... the post-WTC crash of 2001... and

... the 2009-2016 Great Recession...

Now, predicting great economic events is one thing.

But what really makes Wall Street despise me is that I not only predicted all these events... but I also showed my clients and readers how turn the tables on the Wall Street banksters!

I showed regular investors how to take advantage of historic swings in key markets – swings that were designed to wipe out their life savings and transfer billions to Wall Street bankers – and use them to make millions for themselves and their families.

I’ve heard from literally hundreds of people who have thanked me for the financial windfalls I have helped put in their laps.

One fellow named Sam just wrote to thank me:

“A big pre-thank you... I had previously made this same trade some years back. Thank you for that! At that time I had a senior broker with the now defunct Solomon, Smith Barney who basically treated me as a dolt. He called the day after I took profits asking me HOW I knew to make the trade. Thank God for your help!” –S.A., May 2016

Another long-time subscriber also wrote to me recently:

“Badass trade, Nick! Been here for a long time guys, don't miss this one. Best trade I have ever seen, and we have had some exceptional ones. Many, many thanks. –DA, May 2016

The World’s Economic Wipeouts Are
As Carefully Planned as a Rocket Launch

Now, let me be upfront with you right here.

I am famous (some would say infamous) for my radical and extreme viewpoints.

A lot of very powerful people don’t like it when I say that Wall Street is a giant casino – a casino rigged in favor of the big investment banks and insiders.

They get red in the face when I announce that people’s core wealth (at least at the moment) should be invested in U.S. government bonds, cash and virtually nothing else.

And there’s a good reason for that.

From my years as a trader and insider, I know that recessions, credit crises and stock market crashes are NOT random events, as Wall Street wants you to believe.

Just the opposite.

In fact, economic wipeouts are as carefully planned and timed as a launch to the moon.

You probably have suspected this is true... and I’m here to tell you that it is true.

The Billionaires and Insiders
Spend Years
Setting Up These
Great Transfers of Wealth!

The insiders bide their time, quieting putting into place the trades that will earn them trillions when the markets crash.

They know just what to do.

And they’re patient... as most people would be if they knew they could make billions in a matter of weeks.

These Wall Street hucksters understand that the public has to be slowly coaxed back into the casino... and allowed to win a little. That way, they’ll get out their checkbooks and play for the big scores.

But as we all know, the casino is rigged from the start.

The house has a built-in advantage.

For one thing: U.S. government regulators and politicians are owned by the bankers and Wall Street.

The insiders get to lie, cheat and steal your money... and no one ever goes to jail. Not ever.

Like Bill and Hillary Clinton, the super-rich get a pass from government prosecutors.

In the rare cases when they’re caught red-handed, the bankers get a slap on the wrist and pay a minimal (tax deductible) fine.

And it’s not just me saying this, either.

In a recent news report, senior U.S. Department of Justice officials overruled internal recommendations to prosecute global bank HSBC Holdings Plc for money laundering violations.

The reason? The Feds were worried about the stability of the global financial system, a congressional report just released said.

So as they did with Hillary Clinton, the federal prosecutors gave the big bankers a pass. Anyone else would have wound up in prison.

And here’s the worst part of all this: The past 20 years have pushed millions of hardworking Americans into poverty... while the rich are making fortunes overnight.

Forget the one percent.

The really rich are the one-tenth of one percent, the Wall Street hedge fund managers and big bankers who collectively own more than what 90% of all other Americans are worth... combined.

And it’s NOT an Accident.
It Was All Planned.

During a global wipeout like 2008-2009, literally TRILLIONS of dollars changes hands – from millions of impoverished families worldwide into just a few hundred hedge fund billionaires.

You have to understand. Just 80 men worldwide control most of the planet’s wealth. That’s no exaggeration.

Once upon a time, full-blown crashes were relatively rare – that is, when the market loses 50% of its value or more – but now they’re happening regularly, about once a decade.

In both 2002 and 2008-2009, the market plummeted 50% or more, wiping out the life savings of millions... and making Wall Streeters richer than Midas.

One hedge fund manager, John Paulson, made $4.9 billion in 2010 alone.

And it’s actually worse than that because the government actually hands the thieves billions in taxpayer cash!

In the 2008-2009 wipeout, the U.S. government paid out $700 billion through the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and guaranteed an additional $12 trillion to various other bailout programs for the banks and Wall Street.

And guess what: The next big wipeout is happening right now, as we speak.

Look, I’ve been one of the only voices in the ENTIRE world warning about the breakup of the EU...

... screaming to anyone who would listen about the Islamic uprising in Europe and soon in the U.S....

... and the fact that banks worldwide are facing bankruptcy once again.

I predicted negative interest rates 5 years ago!

And now I’m here to tell you that a stock market crash of epic proportions is just around the corner.

In its wake, there will be an economic wipeout so big it won’t be called another Great Recession but, instead, the Greatest Depression.

And the only good news is this:

If you know what to do, you, too, can make a HUGE fortune – a fortune that can help you protect your family and friends from the hard times that are already here and will soon get a lot worse.

Everything I’ve Been Predicting Is
Coming True ONCE AGAIN Before Our Very Eyes –
It’s Time to Make Another Killing as
in Countless Millions of Dollars

We are now living through one of the great turning points in history – comparable to the stock crash of 1929 and the Great Depression of the 1930s.

The decision of British voters to leave the European Union on June 23 set off a chain reaction of terror among central bankers worldwide.

It’s the start of a stampede... the match that is lighting the entire global economy on fire.

And anyone with money understands this.

The so-called “Brexit” represents the collapse of the entire post-World War II economic order that took 70 years to put into place.

Everywhere you turn, the world economy is unraveling.

- Economic growth worldwide has ground to a dead stop.

- Economists predict growth for Europe will plunge from an anemic 1.4% this year to just 0.9% in 2017.

- China is dead in the water, its recent GDP report the worst in 20 years.

- Japan’s economy is already in free fall.

- With the price of oil falling lower by the day, Canada is in recession.

- In the U.S., the situation is equally dire.

Roughly 70% of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) comes from consumer spending.

Yet fewer Americans are working today (and therefore spending) than at any time since the 1970s – while real wages have actually declined.

Virtually all of the so-called “employment gains” of the past eight years have been for 8 million new illegal aliens – bringing the total number of illegal aliens in the U.S. workforce to 36 million!

U.S. corporations love these cheap foreign workers.

Unfortunately, they take jobs and benefits away from U.S. citizens no matter what the politicians claim.

When you look at “labor force participation rates” – rather than the U.S. government’s manipulated “unemployment rate” – you see just how desperate the jobs situation really is for U.S. citizens.

Out of a total adult labor force of 126.1 million, only 62.7% are currently working.

That’s why most Americans are literally broke and getting broker by the day.

According to one report, a third (33%) of Americans have zero emergency savings. Zero as in none.

Nearly half (47%) have only enough saved to last for 90 days.

Plus, U.S. home ownership is at historic lows. No one has enough money for down payments. And even if they had, they couldn’t make the regular monthly payments.

And here’s how you can know all this is true:

Interest rates everywhere are plunging to record lows as nervous investors buy up government bonds with both hands and the global economy plummets into a recession and then a full-blown depression.

The Last Time the World was This Unstable – in 2008-2009 – U.S. Investors Saw an Estimated $10.2 Trillion1 of Their Wealth Vaporized in a Matter of Weeks

Entire fortunes were lost, many never to return.

And the pullback in the markets did much more than merely wipe out trillions in stock market values:

The shock waves from the global banking crisis triggered a full-blown economic collapse – the effects of which we are STILL feeling eight years later.

And that’s why I urge you to hear me out.

This is the most dangerous time the world has faced since the start of the Great Depression in 1929.

The global political-economic order is unraveling right now, as we speak...

Yet there is a simple way you can protect yourself from a world gone mad...

It’s an iron-clad insurance policy... an impregnable financial fortress... that will help you survive as the global economy continues to unravel.

What’s more, this special investment vehicle that is totally risk-free: 100% guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Treasury.

When the next global disaster strikes...

... when the stock market plunges and the economy goes into free fall...

... this $5,000 “insurance policy” investment will quickly grow into $23,294...

... then into $117,949...

... then into $655,242... and possibly, just possibly...

... into a whopping $4 million.

Sound unbelievable?

Well, let me explain...

The World’s $223 Trillion Banker
House of Cards is About to Come
Tumbling Down Again...
Only This Time
There Won’t Be Any Taxpayer Bailout

Here’s the situation.

Amidst the escalating political crises worldwide, the world is also, at the same time, entering the first real deflationary/depression spiral in 80 years.

No one alive has experienced this before.

No one now living knows what to do.

It’s not in ANY of the rule books used by central bankers.

Economists are baffled. Brokers are crapping in their pants.

Everything governments try fails to stop it.

This is a VERY dangerous time when a single wrong move could wipe out your life savings.

The closest recent parallel for what we are living through is the early 1980s.

That was when U.S. Treasury rates topped out at 15.2% and then did a nose dive into the ground.

In the U.S., interest rates are now at close to 0.5%.

I know. I was there the last time this happened. I was one of the few investors alive who knew what to do.

In 1981, the yield on the 30-year Treasury was 15.21%.

I told my clients that we were entering the bond rally of a lifetime. I had everyone I knew buy a very special Treasury instrument in mass.

The value of these bonds kept going up and up... for YEARS.

My clients and I made tens of millions. One of my clients made more than $500 million.

And here’s the reason I am contacting you:

We’re doing the same thing once again... only on a MUCH bigger scale.

This time, interest rates are going to plunge even lower.

And this time, you could make even MORE money!

The Price of Everything is Going
Down, Down, Down as the World
Faces a
$223 Trillion Debt Wipeout

You see, the world is awash in a sea of DEBT.

Every company, every city, every nation on earth has maxed out its credit cards to an unprecedented scale.

Japan owes 229% of its entire Gross National Product. Italy, 132%. And the U.S. is third, at 104% of GDP.2

Total global debt has soared from $1 trillion in 1970 to an almost unimaginable $223 trillion today – or more than three times (333%) the world’s entire economic output.3

And what this means is DEFLATION.

In an inflationary economy as we’ve been in for the past 50 years, prices go up and up and up and interest rates follow.

But in a deflation, the exact opposite occurs.

During a deflationary spiral, everything goes down in value.

- Housing prices plummet...

- Stocks do a nose dive...

- Currencies lose their value...

- Gold and silver prices decline (yes, decline)...

and, most important of all,

- Interest rates go down, Down, DOWN, as you are now seeing.

And make no mistake: It’s already happening as we speak.

Governments worldwide and the central banks have done everything they could to stop it.

They’ve pumped an estimated $100 trillion into the global economy in an effort to slow it down.

But nothing has worked.

Government bureaucrats have their fingers in the dike... but a tsunami of debt is about to crash over the walls...

Prices keep falling. Lower and lower and lower.

Here’s a chart of the price of oil. As you’ll notice, it’s hit record lows...

Here’s the price of coffee. You’ll notice the same thing: down, down, down.

Here’s corn. Same thing:

Even gold is on a long-term deflationary trajectory, although it’s jumped recently due to global panic and unrest:

Most important are INTEREST rates.

You’ll notice that interest rates, too, are plummeting and have been for some time:

And the next step is NEGATIVE interest rates.

In the history of finance it rarely happens BUT IT DOES happen.

In fact, it’s already happening right now.

- The German BUND two-year yield is currently -0.67%.

- The Japanese two-year yield is currently -0.37%.

- And the Swiss two-year yield is -0.977%.

According to Fitch Ratings Report, there are already $13.7 trillion4 in government bonds that pay negative interest.

(I’ll tell you why anyone would accept negative rates in a moment.)

But there is ONE investment that will not only hold its value but will skyrocket in value during a deflationary spiral...

The Secret Government Bond
Increases in Value 35% for
Every 1% Decline in Interest Rates

I call it a “secret” investment because almost no one alive understands it – although it’s one of the most common, safest investments on earth.

It’s a special type of U.S. government bond... one that is guaranteed by the federal government NOT to lose money.

These bonds go UP in value as interest rates go down.

In fact, they increase in value 35% for every 1% decline in interest rates.

I discovered this “negative interest rate” investment by poring through the archives of New York Federal Reserve bank in the early 1970s , investigating the hidden secondary market in U.S. government bonds during the Great Depression.

A decade later, I was one of only a handful of analysts in the world who knew about this hidden and Top Secret investment tool that is based on one of all the safest most secure investments in the world... U.S. government bonds.

No one else knew about this secret investment because only big banks and the most sophisticated traders used it.

Here’s the background. As the Great Depression wore on, prices for everything plummeted.

Mansions that sold for $35,000 in 1929 could be purchased for $5,000 in 1934.

As a result, in the 1930s banks were willing to sell their U.S. government bonds (which they were and still are required to hold as their capital reserve) at a heavy loss because they could make even more money picking up the land, houses, factories and other assets of the world.

They were eager to take a 30% loss in Treasuries to get liquid because they could buy the assets of the world at 10% of their value – literally ten cents on the dollar.

When the 1980s arrived and interest rates plummeted from 22% downward, I knew just what to do.

I knew about a 100% “U.S. Government-Guaranteed” investment that has never defaulted – not through world wars, a Great Depression, and many stock market crashes.

This investment is guaranteed by the U.S. Treasury Department and they have the money: they’re the people who collect the country’s taxes.

I had everyone I know buy up truckloads of these special U.S. government Treasury bonds for myself and my clients.

And not just any bond. The U.S. Treasury issues hundreds of different types of bonds with different rates and maturities.

Of all these hundreds of U.S. government bonds, only six – just 6! – are the special ones that will make millions in a deflationary economy and the coming depression.

Back Then, We Made Vast Fortunes...
But Nothing Compared to What’s Coming!

The conditions for this type of trade occur only once every 20 or 30 years.

They work in depressions like the 1930s... in deflations like the 1980s... and in mega-recessions like 2007-8.

As a result, most people will miss this.

By the time you hear about this on the evening news, it will be too late.

And what’s really great about this “insurance policy” (and tragic if you miss out) is this: It’s literally impossible to lose money!

That’s right: impossible.

As with all federal government bonds, this particular secret bond is backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government.

That means you can’t lose a dime. Not a single penny.

In fact, the LEAST you can do is to double your money – a 100% gain.

That’s the worst case.

But in the recession/depression that is coming, I believe these bonds will make you millions upon millions.

U.S. Government Bonds Will Skyrocket
in Value as Interest Rates Continue Plunging

Negative interest rates happen in a deflation.

In a deflation, prices and interest rates go down together.

Most people can’t imagine negative interest rates – and so they wrongly assume they can’t happen.

They assume that negative interest rates will never come because individuals will simply pull their money out of banks and horde cash.

And that’s right: they will!

In fact, they are doing so already with sales of home safes reaching record highs. But here’s what you have to understand: negative interest rates aren’t aimed primarily at individual depositors.

They’re aimed at sovereign governments and multinational corporations!

And governments and corporations absolutely WILL accept negative interest rates... because the alternative is to lose even MORE money!

Corporations can’t stash cash in any significant amounts so they will pour TRILLIONS into U.S. government bonds... bonds that charge the depositors interest (that is, negative interest)... so the corporations know their cash is safe, even if it is whittled away by negative interest rates.

It’s already happening as we speak.

Across Europe and Asia, central banks are ALREADY implementing negative interest rates.

- 1/3 of all sovereign debt from developed countries now pays negative interest rates

- Since mid-2016, some 500 million people... producing a quarter of the world’s economy... are living with rates now in the red.

- In March 2016, the European Central Bank cut interest rates again, lowering them to a negative 0.4% to hold cash overnight.

- German bond yields hit new negative lows after the Brexit vote. 10-year euro zone sovereign bond yields fell to a fresh record low of 0.09%.

- Sweden, Switzerland and Denmark have also adopted negative rates.

- The yield on 30-year Japanese government bonds struck a record low, falling 4.5 basis points in June to a record low of 0.050%.

- By the end of June, about $13 trillion of government bonds worldwide offered yields below zero.

- As for the U.S., even Janet Yellen, the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, admitted to Congressional regulators recently that negative interest rates are “on the table.”

The reason is simple:

Central Banks Have
No More bullets Left!

They’ve already cut interest rates to ZERO.

They’ve pumped trillions of dollars into the global economy in a failed effort to jump-start the global economy.

Nothing has worked. Everything has failed. They are out if ammo.

The only weapon the central banks have left is negative interest rates.

The bankers mistakenly believe that negative interest rates will force consumers and corporations to spend money, jump-starting a flat-lining economy.

But it won’t work.

In fact, it will be an unmitigated disaster for the world economy.

And it’s not just me who says this, either.

Bond guru founder Bill Gross, founder of PIMCO who now runs Janus' Global Unconstrained Bond Fund, sees negative interest rates as a threat to the very fabric of capitalism itself.

“Investors have few options in a world of low or negative interest rates,” he said recently.

“The sun, which sustains and nourishes life, will one day devour the earth. The sun, in this image, is the ‘global, credit based economic system’” which, according to Gross, “appears to be in the process of devolving from a production oriented model to one which recycles finance for the benefit of financiers."

Warren Buffett, the oracle of Omaha, recently declared:

“You can read Adam Smith, you can read [John Maynard] Keynes, you can read anybody and you can’t find a word to my knowledge on prolonged zero interest rates — that is a phenomenon nobody dreamed would ever happen.

Billionaire investor Carl Icahn is "extremely cautious" on the U.S. market, and recently told CNBC:

"I believe.... that there will be a day of reckoning." he said, pointing to the Federal Reserve's maintaining low interest rates, and potentially creating "tremendous bubbles."

Jim Rogers, Fund Manager of George Sores fame, joined the course of economists warning about negative inters rates. He said:

"We're all going to pay a horrible price for the incompetence of these central bankers... We got a bunch of academics and bureaucrats who don't have a clue what they're doing."

Rogers said central bankers are doing everything they can to prop up financial markets, but it's all for naught. He predicts their unconventional monetary strategies (negative rates) will lead to.... deep trouble later this year and into 2017.

"This is going to be a disaster in the end," he said. "You should be very worried and you should be prepared."

But falling interest rates are not the only development that has the potential to make investors millions of dollars...

Which is why, at this very moment...

This U.S. Government Secret
Investment Could Make You Rich

And I'm going to help make this a reality for you.

I made fortunes for myself and my clients and the investment industry hated me for it.

I was there for some of the greatest trades in history -- and for the last 20 years I have dedicated my life to showing regular investors how to make money in these rigged markets.

Here is what my readers and subscribers have had to say...

“Thank you Nick for all this information & I was so glad to hear you were back on the wire again! You saved our butts years ago & now you’re saving it again.” — E.P

“Nick, I wish I had followed your advice when you first introduced yourself several years ago. Everything you said came true!” — Unsigned

“Nick, Thank you, thank you, thank you for telling us the straight story. You tell it in a way that makes sense to the uninitiated. I appreciate you giving the reasons behind your recommendations. Please keep on doing the same thing you’ve been doing. — D.W

“Nick, you were a lone voice during 911 and about the only one I trusted. Your conservative recos or survival or whatever you want to call them have been a Godsend. God bless you.” — L.B

“I’ve never doubted you ever. Your information and foresight have never been more true than now. Everything you have talked about since I’ve been a subscriber with you since the late 80’s is coming to fruition now. There’s a couple other newsletters I subscribe to that run parallel to you but you are the most accurate in your information. Thanks.” — R

Precisely because of the circles I move in… the contacts I have… the billion-dollar deals I’ve seen… the knowledge and experience I have... I know how the financial world really works from the INSIDE.

I know how crooked the brokers, bankers and Wall Street insiders really are.

I’ve said for years that the markets are rigged, and that I know how they are rigged. Millions of investors have learned how right I was.

That’s why I’m the only person alive who can and is willing to show you how to turn the tables on the Wall Street bastards. Before they reduce you to mere land surfs, as Warren Buffet put it.

And that is why I’ve decided to once again come forward.

I can’t stay silent when I know that ordinary investors could make literally MILLIONS of dollars on a no-risk, can’t-lose-money U.S. government bond.

And that’s why...

I Want to GIVE You... Life, liberty and a Fortune... Absolutely Free... One of These “Secret” U.S. Government Bonds!

That’s right:

When you agree to TEST DRIVE risk-free my new WSI VIP Premium service, I will immediately transfer to your brokerage account this special U.S. government bond with a face value of $5,000.

(The nearby photo is for illustration purposes and is NOT the actual bond I want to give you.)

I’ll transfer one of these bonds to you anywhere in the world.

Now, if I’m right about what’s going to happen with this deflationary spiral, this one investment... which won’t cost you a single penny... could well be worth as much as $4 million in the next two years as interest rates continue to plummet into negative yields.

And if I’m wrong... if NOTHING happens in the world... if ISIS vanishes tomorrow and the Dow soars to 30,000... then guess what?

You get to keep the $5,000 bond!

As I said, it’s a zero-risk insurance policy.

And you don’t even have to pay for the insurance!

Not one penny.

That means you have three scenarios, all of which hand you money risk-free:

Scenario #1: You can cash in the bond the day you get it and spend the money however you would like.

Scenario #2: You can wait until the bond matures and collect the full $5,000 face value, guaranteed by the U.S. government... or

Scenario #3: You can see if, as I predict, that $5,000 goes up in value first to $23,294... then to $117,000... and then to $655,242.

By then you’ll believe me as you cash in this special instrument for a million dollars or more.

However, I recommend you continue to hold onto this bond until I tell you to pull the trigger: that’s because I believe this $5,000 U.S. government bond will eventually be worth $4 million as interest rates plunge to historic, ever lower lows...

To Stay in Touch and Get Constant
Updates on Our Trading Recommendations,
You Also Get a New Ultra-Secure iPhone Free!

And that’s just the beginning!

When you agree to TEST DRIVE WSI VIP Premium, I will ALSO send you a FREE secured “Silent Circle” iPhone fully programmed with VIP Premium Pub access and all trading tools already installed.

This is an Apple iPhone SE 64 GB with WiFi 3G- 4G Fully Programmed.

With its state of the art A9 processor it’s like having a super computer in your pocket, all loaded up with our special, custom-designed programming.

This becomes one of the most secure forms of communication on the planet -- AND a trading information super-tool. Talk about a money-making pocket rocket!

It comes with...

- Encrypted SMS message service...

- “Silent Circle” secure telephone...

- VPN anonymous internet access secure...

- Radio Free Wall Street preprogrammed so you can access our weekly call-in radio show...

- Instant access to our encrypted websites (we have a mobile site dedicated just for smart phones and mobile devices)...

- Push notifications that instantly notify you of news or trades...

- Live streaming quotes and market charts...

- And all our Special Trading Apps pre-installed.

That way you can track my investment recommendations wherever you are on the planet, 24/7.

The iPhone comes brand new, in the box, from Apple with a full warranty.

(NOTE: If you prefer a different mobile device than an Apple iPhone, please contact Customer Service at: 866-924-0607)

Plus, you also get...

The Complete WSI VIP Premium
Trading Service and Survival Resource

Also, when you become a WSI VIP PREMIUM member you gain immediate access to these life-changing benefits and intelligence briefings:

You will gain access to my instructions for what I call “The Greatest Trade Ever,” with detailed step-by-step instructions for turning as little as $500 into more than $1.05 million with this U.S. government bond trade.

Plus, you get:

- Immediate access to the WSI VIP Premium website on your desktop, laptop and specially programmed smartphone that we provide absolutely FREE.

- You'll also gain immediate access to my Special U.S. Government Bond Trade Calculator.

- Daily Special Bond updated quotes.

- We'll immediately send you my three hottest millionaire trades.

- Unlimited urgent TEXT, Push notifications and Email alerts.

- WSI SMS, Email or Fax trade alert system where we immediately notify you when there is a new trade or critical information.

- Immediate access to all WSI trades in over 10 markets.

- Daily news, live market quotes and charts, daily updates, a constant stream of audio and text file updates and letters to the editor.

- Access to my now legendary “Radio Free Wall Street” – my live internet radio show.

- All 21 volumes of my Wall Street Insider's Great Depression-II Survival Guides.

- Full access to the WSI premium website with over 100 postings a month.

- Membership in Wall Street Insiders’ VIP PREMIUM Inner Circle. This guarantees you never miss important events as they unfold – and that you have a DIRECT LINE TO CRITICAL DATA AS KEY MARKET AND POLITICAL EVENTS OCCUR.

- Plus, you'll enjoy the support of our superb 24/7 staff.

- And you'll be able to interact with other members and immediately publish your thoughts in our compelling and completely uncensored Letters to the Editor.

And here’s the best part: The cost for ALL this is only $5,000.

When you consider that, right off the bat, you get a U.S. government bond itself with a face value of $5,000...

... AND... an ultra-secure “Silent Circle” phone and messaging service installed on your new iPhone...

... AND encrypted VPN ultimate privacy network

... this seems like a steal right from the start.

But that is just the start, believe me.

That’s because we haven’t even gotten to the MONEY part... the incredible profits that you could make with the U.S. government bond and other trades.

That’s why I also make you not one but TWO powerful guarantees.

Guarantee #1:
For 60 Days Risk Free

For the next 2 months, you can be investing in this bond opportunity and all the other windfall profit opportunities I share with you.

You can access ALL of my weekly analysis, reports, and audio/video briefings.

You will have unlimited use of the 24/7 WSI VIP PREMIUM members' website.

And you can utilize the private audio briefing service I've made available to you.

If for any reason, you feel this isn't right for you, simply contact me within 60 days and I'll refund every penny of your membership dues (once you return your bond and iPhone, of course).

Now, this second guarantee will truly show you how serious I am.

Guarantee #2:
If Your First Year Passes and You Haven't Seen
a Chance to Turn That $5,000 Bond Into
At Least $50,000... I'll Work For FREE

The worst you can do with this bond trade is to cash it!

But, if you keep this bond and interest rates go to negative 22% when you cash in you could make an incredible $4.2 million

If you invest $10,000 of your own money in this very special trade and rates go to -22% like during the last depression, you could make an incredible $21 million. Yes, yes, yes, yes!

At that point, you're going to need a good tax attorney so you only pay the minimum you'll owe.

So here's my promise to you:

If WSI VIP PREMIUM doesn't give you the opportunity to multiply that $5,000 bond I'm going to send you 10 times over the coming 12 months...

In other words, if it doesn’t grow in value to at least $50,000 in the first year alone...

I'll work for you for free.

I'll extend your WSI VIP PREMIUM membership out another year on the house.

That's a $50,000 "money talks" kind of guarantee.

And you STILL get to keep the $5,000 bond!

But I'm only making this offer to a few people.

I'm ONLY offering a membership to WSI VIP PREMIUM and the $5,000 U.S. government bond that comes along with it...

... to the first 100 people who are ready to stake a stand for their financial survival.

I've reserved a spot for you, but it won't be there much longer.

So: think seriously about this.

I may be a maniac but I’ve also been right too many times to count.

If I’m right this time about interest rates going negative, even just a little, then joining WSI VIP PREMIUM will be the smartest financial decision of your life.

- If I’m 100% wrong, you get $5,000 CASH.

- If I’m just a little right, you could make $10,000 or $20,000.

- But if I’m mostly right, you could get rich – and see that U.S. government bond grow in value to HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS, and then MILLIONS of dollars.

I believe it’s a slam dunk.

But even if you’re not fully convinced, it’s worth joining me as an insurance policy...

... especially since I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is and GIVE you the very bond I’m describing.

So, just click here or on the "Join Now" button below to sign up, risk free, to WSI VIP PREMIUM right now.

Or if you'd prefer to sign up by phone...

Simply call 1-866-924-0607 or 913-871-0701 (for international callers) from 9 am to 5 pm (Eastern Time) – and be sure to mention the Priority Code “Bond.”

Click here to get your U.S. government

bond with a face value of $5,000

I want to thank you for hearing me out.

Best wishes,
Nick Guarino

P.S. Remember, this is a zero-risk offer: Either I’m 100% wrong and you get to cash in the bond for $5,000... or, I’m right, and the value of this bond increases in value over time... maybe a little but potentially A LOT. That’s why I believe this is the single best financial insurance policy you can get. So, don’t wait. Click on the JOIN NOW button immediately or call 1-866-924-0607 (or 913-871-0701 for international callers).

Kottura LTD 3000 Des Laurentides Blvd, Suite 12-217, Laval, Qc H7K 3G5 Canada

Wall Street Insiders, Nick Guarino, Kottura limited, its subsidiaries, affiliates, related parties and its employees, agents, contractors and vendors are not brokers, personalized counsel on investing, taxes or law. We suggest, in fact we urge you to consult with qualified professionals in those fields for advice tailored to your individual needs. We are not licensed investment advisers, we are not licensed broker dealers, we are not Commodity Trade Advisors, you are free to use any broker, broker dealer or adviser you wish and this communication does not constitute an offering of US Treasury Bonds, Stocks, Commodities, futures, options, ETF's, ETN's or any other financial product, investment or instrument. “Neither this Communication, nor our Newsletter, Wall Street Insiders VIP Premium, gives personalized counsel on investing.” This offer and your subscription is subject to in part, the subscriber agreement which will be emailed to you and our disclosures and disclaimers which are posted on our website.